Thursday, August 27, 2015

Bitcoin Revolution - What is Bitcoin and its potential

Assalamualaikum and a very good day.

How are you? I'm fine, thank you. :)

So you are here. Why are you here? WHY? You don't have to answer that question now, you silly! haha..

It's just that, WHY sometimes is the hardest to answer compared to who, what, where, how, when and etc. Do you realize that? hmm?.. never mind that, we go straight to our topic of discussion.

Bitcoin Revolution!?

Before I talk on further about the revolution, I think you should know what is Bitcoin. The video link below should at least provide you with the basics. If you already know what bitcoin is, then read on. You may realize the revolution, you may as well not. Let me share my insights on this REVOLUTION

What Is Bitcoin?

What Is Bitcoin Mining?.

During the 90's, there was a revolution going on, the INTERNET. Of course, internet was used before then where "internet nerds" used it as a system to send messages to each other. But what happened after that changes the world entirely. We started with a dial-up internet (in Malaysia we had Jaring and TM dial-up) and now we are in the broadband era.

Through the discovery of internet, late 90's or the early of the 21st century, another revolution came. Yes, it was the revolution of SOCIAL MEDIA where MySpace, Friendster and some others. Those who had internet connection, having at least one social media account is a must. However, these social media networks were quickly consumed and overwhelmed by none other, Facebook. Parallel with the growth of social media, internet banking also was revolutionized. Those who had internet banking were considered "rich, wealthy and up-to-date".

It is in the year 2009, BITCOIN WAS CREATED.......

It is by this period, proof and testimonials of those who became millionaires, multi-millionaires and even billionaires through the internet revolution came to spread. Millionaires were "born" and created every day through the internet.

In Nov 2013, Bitcoin price peaked to USD1209.94 per Bitcoin. However the price started to drop the following days and has been stable at the range of USD250 per Bitcoin.

Potential Value of Bitcoin
The picture above states the prediction of Bitcoin values if any of those scenario takes place. This snapshot was obtained from a magazine, yBitcoin.

In June 2016, Bitcoins produced per block will be reduced to half its amount now, which means, less production per algorithm solved. According to Peter Smith, the CEO of Block Chain, Bitcoin's price depends on the supply and demand trend, hence, when production decreases, supply becomes lesser which in turn will increase the price of Bitcoin. Prediction says that price per Bitcoin may go up to USD1,500-USD3,000 per Bitcoin in June 2016. Allow me to speculate:

- Bitcoins are sold at about USD250 each, at current rate.

- If you have an account with, worth USD5,000, you can buy 1 bitcoin per month using your earnings from the monthly Commission Rebates. (please refer here if you haven't seen the investment plan)

- By June 2016, you could have around 8 Bitcoins, given that the price increases slightly over time.


8 Bitcoins X USD1,500 = USD12,000

USD12,000 (total profit gain) - USD5,000 (initial investment) = USD7,000

Voila! You will earn more than 100% profit in less than a year excluding your capital!!

So, to wrap this post up, I would strongly suggest you start buying Bitcoins and start saving them as an alternative to your fiat currencies. 



***DISCLAIMER: This blog is not in any way regulated by the officials of OD Capital Ltd and/or any of its subsidiaries. It is my own blog and my own point of view. Every investment has its own risks. Please work your own due diligence before investing in ANY company. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

OD Capital - Investment Packages and its Link to BITCOIN! Whhaattt???

Assalamualaikum and a very good day!

In the previous post I have covered quite extensively about OD Capital Ltd and its subsidiaries. This post is meant to enlighten you on how to MAXIMIZE AND LEVERAGE on their growth prior to IPO.

If you have not a clue about the company, please, click HERE.

If you have, then read on!

I'm gonna make this post straight to the point.

OD Premium 1

There are four advantages of the investment packages. Firstly, for every purchase of an account, you will receive an "add-on" of CPS, the Convertible Preferred Shares. Currently, the company is giving you 1 CPS: USD 1 ratio. Example, you choose to invest USD5000. With your investment of USD5000, company will also give you 5000 units of CPS. Get it?

However, starting from 1st October 2015, the ratio will be reduced to 80%, which means should you wish to invest USD5000, your CPS shares will be reduced to 4000 units only. In other words, 1CPS:USD1.25. Get it? Ok, moving on.

The table above are the packages available.
Bronze - USD1,000
Silver - USD5,000
Gold - USD10,000
VIP 1 - USD50,000 (+welcome bonus USD2,000)
VIP 2 - USD70,000 (+welcome bonus USD5,000)
VIP 3- USD150,000 (+welcome bonus USD17,000)

Welcome bonus - a bonus that OD gives back to you once your account is activated.

All of these accounts are set to default - Managed Trading. Which means OD will trade your funds for you. Should you wish to trade your accounts yourself, you can do so by sending an email to the company after you have activated your account. My personal suggestion, let the company trade for you.

OD will give 2-10% commission rebate of your capital MONTHLY based on performance. They will announce the performance in the website prior to monthly commission rebate payout. Usually the rates would be +-5%.

How long and how much will you get these commission rebates?
300% or 60 months, whichever is earlier. Once one of the 300% or 60 months is achieved, you will no longer receive commission rebates, BUT you will still hold the CPS units. Once the company gets listed in 2018, you will be able to sell off your shares for EXTRA PROFITS! Many folds over!

Performance table
The diagram above shows that the lowest they have ever paid was 4.3% while the highest was 9.2%. So, we'll take an average of 5% per month. Not bad huh? That totals up to about 70% per annum. Not bad at all.


There are three ways to buy a package with OD.
1) TT from a local bank
2) Use of Neteller Debit Mastercard
3) Bitcoin

 These are examples of TT from a local bank to OD's account. The invoice will be provided in the account once you have decided which package you wish to buy or invest in.

CPS certificate sample

So, once you have got your commission rebate credited into you OD account, there are also three ways to withdraw your earnings/profits. The same channels can be used to withdraw your money from OD.

There are two time frames of withdrawal. If you request on:

i) 1st to 15th of every month - cash will be available 7 working days from the 16th onwards on the same month.

ii) 16th to month end of every month - cash will be available 7 working days from the 1st onwards of the following month.

example of successful withdrawal request

As a personal opinion, I would strongly suggest withdrawal to BITCOIN. Why? Bitcoin is undergoing a revolution now. I wouldn't talk about it here. Perhaps another post on Bitcoin. Or you can google it up and do your own research on Bitcoin.

What I can say is that, Bitcoin is the next best thing of investment.

Put aside about bitcoin. Are you ready to open an account with OD?
Just click HERE and enter 787040 in the Referral Code.

If you would like to see what my take is on Bitcoin, click HERE.

Well, that's that. If you have any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact me at

***DISCLAIMER: This blog is not in any way regulated by the officials of OD Capital Ltd and/or any of its subsidiaries. It is my own blog and my own point of view. Every investment has its own risks. Please work your own due diligence before investing in ANY company. 

OD Capital Ltd - everything about it and its IPO plan

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to you, fellow readers!

We have gone to the moon and back. Over the years, I have been into good investment programs and bad investment schemes. It is all good. As my mentor always put it, it is a learning curve. You learn and learn and try not to repeat the same mistakes again.

I have been in programs that was able to give me 10-15% monthly. I also have been in programs that could give me back my capital PLUS profits in less than a month! *grins*

Yes, there are such things out there, in fact, there are thousands of high-risk platforms you can choose from. You just need to know where to look.
But I am done investing in something that gives huge returns but could not sustain more than a year. The profits are just not worth the risk.

So I am going back to the basics that my mentor taught me.

"Look for something sustainable. Profit may not be much there, but it will still give you profit on a regular basis"

So, after looking around, I think I have found the right platform that suits the criteria of being "sustainable".

The economical crisis of the world is very very unstable now. Lots of individuals are looking for better ways to save their money, or are looking for platforms to invest their savings rather than just giving the banks profit for nothing in return.

As a father, as the bread-winner of the family, I myself have been looking for ways to diversify my savings and also my source of income.

I have been studying the latest trends in investments as well as the "evergreen" platforms of investment such as the mutual funds, real estate and etc.

However, the returns of conventional investment like mutual funds don't give much per annum(p.a.). In Malaysia respectively, a country where I reside, mutual funds can give up to 40% profits p.a.(this is for high risk platforms, correct me if I'm wrong, my source is just from a friend who's a wealth advisor of a reputable bank in Malaysia), but other trust funds like the ASB, Tabung Haji and etc, can only give you 6-8% p.a.

So as i was researching and studying about other platforms out there, I was taken by a company named OD Capital Ltd. (

Hence, i created this blog to share with the world about my findings and about the platform I invest my time and money in.

The company started its operations in 2006 only as Introducing Broker (IB) in foreign exchange (forex) trading as the then group of forex traders, ODFX.


Don't go assuming anything yet ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters... Yep, I agree forex has had its bad share of reputation in the market. People lost tons and gazillions of money in forex. Of course! We only hear from one side of the story, i.e. people who lost. Because we only want to hear the negative stuff, we are programmed to be that way. I don't blame you. I was like that too!

FACT : All banks, I repeat, ALL BANKS in this world are dealing with forex. Yes. EVEN the Islamic banks. Forex trading is the main source of profit for banks! Don't believe what I say, ask your friends who work at a bank. Or do your own research.

So, back to the company, OD Capital LTD (OD). The company started as an IB, and has since grew. Amazingly, they launched their IPO project in 2012 and in 2013, they incorporated the company, OD Capital Ltd, in The Republic of Seychelles, as an Asset Management company.

They started as a fund management company, and since their incorporation, have paved their way to get listed in NASDAQ ( in the US through four (4) core principal in generating revenue. They have NUMEROUS Business models in various industries to ensure a stable cash flow of the company, as well as in projecting HIGH SHARE VALUE.

The four (4) core principals of OD are:
1) Investment
2) Merging and acquisition
3) Corporate finance and financial services
4) Fund Management

In ensuring HIGH VALUATION of shares before IPO, OD has invested in various industries to increase company assets.

These industries are already making name in the market, globally. OD Markets (, Team OD Racing (, YouthLite (, Cartivia ( are some of the established business ventures that are wholly-owned by OD.

In addition to these businesses, OD Markets, as an IB under financial services specialization, has won awards at the 2014's Forex Expo held in Shanghai, China.

In 2015, OD became one of the Platinum sponsors of iFXExpo held in Hong Kong.

Youthlite, a beauty and health product line was launched in Malaysia and their establishment can be found at IOI Boulevard, Puchong, Malaysia.

YB Nazri officiated the launching 

OD racers: Fairuz Fauzy & Zhen Low

OD Racing was launched in Kuala Lumpur in November 2014 by Malaysia's Minister of Tourism and Culture, YB Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz.

The team is taking part in GT Asia series with their fully kitted Lamborghini FL2 GT3.

On a recent event, OD Racing won a 2nd Place in KL City GP Street Racing that was held in Kuala Lumpur on the 7th - 9th of August 2015, despite being placed at the last position when the race started.Our own Fairuz Fauzy made that happen.

Cartivia is OD's wholly-owned subsidiary jewelry boutique. Its first outlet was launched in Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2014. OD has launched another outlet in Starhill, Malaysia just recently. Pictures are below.

12 x 1kg gold bars worth approx. MYR1.8mil

Launching of MySmartGold and CARTIVIA 

The ceremony was held on the 14th of August 2015, where it was officiated by the owner of OD himself and a few other investors of the outlet.

In conjunction of covering Asia market, OD has aligned itself with various business partners to ease its operations. Best Leader Financial Group is one of its partners based in Hong Kong. As for Malaysia market, OD is liaised with MySmartGold Sdn Bhd. I will cover the advantages of these partners in upcoming post.

In paving the way for the US IPO plan, OD has incorporated Elitesoft Global Inc (ESG), an IT solutions company. Why an IT based company you ask? The IPO consultants advised that for a high valuation of stocks during listing and to sustain the value of the stocks, one company can either go listing on an IT based company or asset management company. Now, OD has both. OD Capital is an asset/fund management company, while ESG is an IT-based company.

In the diagram shown above, the company is targeting to go for IPO in 2018, and now OD is building its groundwork to achieve the target valuation of OD’s stocks once it gets listed in NASDAQ.

According to OD's person in charge for IPO, Mr Mike, OD is targeting to get USD30-USD40 of stock value once the company gets listed in NASDAQ. Comparing to the price that OD is offering now which is USD1 per unit share, we are looking at a 300-400% of increase in 3 years' time! Amazing! Looking at what they have done throughout the years, it is not impossible to achieve such value when the time comes.

To shed more light on what is Initial Public Offering, you could read up on these two successful companies who went IPO in recent years, Alibaba and Plus500.

So, congratulations! You have intensively read on about the company and its subsidiaries and how successful the company is. Are you interested in taking the next step to know about what the company is offering and how you can MAXIMIZE AND LEVERAGE on the company's growth?

If you are ready, click HERE.

Or you can re-read this post and understand the fundamentals of the company. Or even better, you can do your own research, because I am merely an investor with the company. OD is so good, I just felt like sharing this OPPORTUNITY with you guys out there. It's just like having a good meal, if it's too good, you tend to share it with your friends.

In case you have any inquiries, feel free to contact me at

***DISCLAIMER: This blog is not in any way regulated by the officials of OD Capital Ltd and/or any of its subsidiaries. It is my own blog and my own point of view. Every investment has its own risks. Please work your own due diligence before investing in ANY company.